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Chapter 24 / Public Goods

24.1 Categories of Goods

Most goods described in the standard consumer choice model share two key attributes:

However, not all goods share these attributes. Based on a good’s attributes, we can categorize it in one of four ways:

Private goods

Private goods are both rival and excludable: for example, let’s consider an apple.

Club goods

Club goods are excludable but not rival: for example, think about the case of satellite radio.

Common resources

Common resources are rival but not excludable: for example, think about a small fishing pond on public land.

The fact that the pond is a common resource can lead to the “tragedy of the commons,” in which individuals making their own private decisions about how much to use the pond without taking into account the effect they have on others leads to an overuse of the resource, and a Pareto inefficient outcome.

Public goods

Public goods are neither rival nor excludable. Standard examples of public goods include national defense or, more locally, a fireworks show in a public park.


None of the above categories has a hard boundary, and indeed the same good may be rival in some circumstances and nonrival in others: for example, a freeway in Los Angeles is generally nonrival at 4am, when there’s no traffice but very much rival at 4pm, when there’s gridlock. Likewise, even some public parks have gates and controlled entry, making them excludable at certain times of the day. But thinking about rivalry and excludability is a useful starting point for analyzing how the nature of a good can result in predictably inefficient outcomes.

Next: Efficient Provision of a Public Good
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